Reformation 500 WEEK 9: Heidelberg Catechism, QUESTION
Question 26: What do you believe when you say: I
believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth? That the eternal Father of our Lord Jesus
Christ, who of nothing made heaven and earth with all that is in them, who
likewise upholds and governs them by His eternal counsel and providence, is for
the sake of Christ, His Son, my God and my Father, in whom I so trust as to
have no doubt that He will provide me with all things necessary for body and
soul; and further, that whatever evil He sends upon me in this troubled life,
He will turn to my good; for He is able to do it, being Almighty God, and
willing also, being a faithful Father.
QA 26 begins explaining the biblical basis of the first phrase
of the Apostles Creed. To “believe in God the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven
and earth,” is to believe that He is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the
Sovereign Creator, Sustainer, and Governor of the universe, and that He is a
Father to me for Christ’s sake.
Before Jesus
existed as a Man, He existed as the eternal Son of God (John 17:5). God the
Father created all things through
His Son (John 1:3). To create is to produce something out of nothing (Heb.
11:3). Once there was nothing except the Triune God in all His eternal glory
(Psalm 90:1-2). Even time was created by God (Titus 1:2). By His
almighty power, God spoke the space-time-matter-energy universe into existence (Psalm 33:6). The Fourth
Commandment reminds us that God created everything in six days and rested on
the seventh day in order to set a pattern for us to follow, so that we might imitate God in all of life (Exodus
God the Creator
also upholds and governs all things by His eternal counsel and providence. This
will be explained further in Question 27. For now, we are simply told that God in
Christ “upholds all things by the
word of His power” (Heb. 1:3; cf.
Neh. 9:6). Just as nothing could have ever existed without the creating power
of God, so it is impossible that anything should continue to exist, even
for a moment, without God’s almighty power, “since He gives to all life,
breath, and all things” (Acts
Wonder of
wonders! The eternal Father of our Lord Jesus Christ is for the sake of Christ,
His Son, my God and my Father! Since we are not natural children of God, the
only way for God to become our Father is by adoption (this is explained further
in Question 33). Because of what Jesus did on the cross for His people, all who
believe in Him are adopted children of God and call God Father (John 1:12; 20:17; 1 John 3:1).
By God’s grace, I
trust in my Father that He will never fail to provide everything that I need
for my body and my soul (Matt. 7:9-11) – even in times of trouble and pain. God
never promised to save us from suffering in this fallen world (John 16:33),
only that His grace is sufficient (2 Cor. 12:9).
Does God really send
evil upon me? Yes, but indirectly. Though God controls all
things, including evil, God does not do the evil (1 John 1:5). “He is
not the author of sin – He merely permits it” (Ursinus). For example, in the
case of Job, the Bible says his friends “comforted him for all the evil that
the Lord had brought upon him” (Job 42:11). But it also says the Lord brought
the evil upon Job indirectly by giving Satan permission to inflict Job directly.
“Satan struck Job with painful boils” (Job 2:7). By God’s
grace, I trust my almighty and faithful Father to do for me what He did for
Job, turn evil to my good (Rom. 8:28; James 5:11).
NOTE: These Posts were written and designed as bulletin inserts by Pastor David Fagrey of the Grace Reformed Church of Rapid City, SD .
Link to this blog entry as a bulletin insert: Reformation500 Heidelberg Catechism QAs 26
For a double-sided PDF for easy printing: Reformation 500 Week 9
Link to this blog entry as a bulletin insert: Reformation500 Heidelberg Catechism QAs 26
For a double-sided PDF for easy printing: Reformation 500 Week 9
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